A downloadable game for Windows


1-3 number keys - select options in the menu

Space or Left Mouse Button - enter morse code commands on the console


You're the pilot of a new space exploration ship, controlling it remotely through morse code commands. Keep the ship alive for as long as possible and try to beat your previous high score.

Also, about the morse code stuff, you don't need to know morse code going in. I certainly didn't know any morse code when I started making this game ;D

If you enjoy the music, you can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoeLq4Ux3TxJ3E8CtLB2XFK_eDkYR3Z1E

Published 28 days ago
AuthorMCHS productions
Tags2D, GameMaker, Pixel Art


Pilot The S.O.S. Morse.zip 6.5 MB


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(1 edit) (+1)

The idea is cool but the morse code detection, which is what the game is about is kinda weird and just feels like it sometimes doesn't work

Yeah, people who I watched playtest it irl had trouble figuring it out too. The issue is that it's actually too precise. If the line enters the next grid while you hold down, it registers as a dash regardless of how long you've held it down, because that's how the game detects dashes.

oh wait you're only supposed to put down 1 per grid

The grid is the unit of measurement. A dot is one tile long, a dash is two tiles long, and you have to leave at least one tile of space in between letters. Hope this helps!