A downloadable game for Windows


1-4 number keys - change focus (as shown in the left section of the console)

Mouse - Aim pointer (click and drag the pointer in the right section of the console)

Space - blast (press while pointer is over tumour to blast it)


You play as Procrastination, and your goal is to stop productivity. You do this by finding productivity tumours and BLASTING them! Unfortunately I didn't have time to make a tutorial, but I promise that once you figure out how to work the console you'll have a lot of fun making this random person's day miserable.

This game is also my submission to Untitled Game Jam 92. The theme of "You Are The Enemy" heavily inspired this game, as the idea of causing procrastination only came to me when procrastination became my enemy throughout this game jam. So, in a way, I combatted procrastination by turning it into a game idea.


Productivity Nightmare.zip 15 MB

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