A downloadable game for Windows


1-3 number keys - select options in the menu

Scroll wheel or left/right click - change value of numbers in equations

Clicking the equals sign or pressing enter - calculate equation


You are given mathematical equations and a target number that you must reach by adding, multiplying, and exponentiating the digits you are given. Click the equals sign or press enter to confirm your choice, but beware, a wrong answer will HALVE the time you have left.

The first 5 levels are hand-made tutorial levels and everything from level 6 onward is randomly generated. See how long you can last and how much score you can accumulate before you run out of time.

This game was made for Untitled Game Jam 94. The theme was "Start Small" and I instantly thought of a game with exponentially more complex maths equations. Also, I think split-flap-displays look cool, so combining big numbers with a cool display that goes CLICK made this an idea worth pursuing.

Also, if you enjoy the music, you can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoeLq4Ux3TxLEbvkuw6xrVEuKdqDpppW1


Split-Flap Multiplication.zip 5.5 MB

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